Welcome to Lamboolda – Your Step-by-Step Solution Hub!
Struggling with computer science problems? Our collection of powerful tools provides detailed, step-by-step solutions to common challenges faced when studying CS. Whether you need help with algorithms, data structures, discrete math, or other fundamental topics, we’ve got you covered.
Simply select a topic below and get the guidance you need!
(Search) Trees
traverse,insert/delete from binary-tree, avl-tree, heap, b-tree
Statement Logic
Truth-Table / KV-Maps / CMOS implementations / CNF/DNF / ..
Lambda Calculus
Step-by-step β-reduction
Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus
perform Natural Deduction of Types
Regular Expression to NFA (more soon)
generate CYK/LL(1) parsing-table/parse-tree from a given grammar and optional word to parse
WHILE interpreter
Run WHILE programs.
Write programs in a python-ish language and compile it to WHILE(/LOOP).
Write programs in a python-ish language and compile it to WHILE(/LOOP).